Locations & dates

So far, refugee hackathons are planned at the following locations:

Main Event: Berlin, 23rd/24th/25th October 2015

    • Requirements definition: 23.10.2015
      • from 10:00 onwards (full time)
      • Location: Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Berlin, Greifswalderstrasse 4, Robert-Havemann-Saal, map: http://hausderdemokratie.de/artikel/kontakt.php4
    • Hackathon: 24th and 25th October 2015

      • Registration from 09:00 onwards
      • Start at 24th October at 10:00 Uhr at Immobilienscout24, Berlin, Andreasstrasse 10, 10243 Berlin – just around the corner of Ostbahnhof (in the foyer for the opening)
      • from about 1.5 hours later onwards: divison in two groups:
        • Main location: same address as opening, at Immoscout in the rear building
        • Second location: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Franz Mehring Platz 1, 10243 Berlin – also just around the corner of Ostbahnhof (but in the other direction), about 10 minutes to walk from the main location (map: http://www.rosalux.de/metanavigation/kontakt/adresse.html)
      • At Saturday, the hackathon will be open end, go on on Sunday at 9:00 and end at about 17:00


Satellite Event: Hamburg, 17th October 2015

Collection of ideas and “pre-hackathon” for the event “Hacks for Goods” at 5th and 6th November 2015.

Facebook Event
Hackathon homepage with registration

Location: SpeedUP!Europe Hub in Gaussstraße 136 in Hamburg-Altona,

Time: 17th October 2015, from 10:00 onwards

Satellite Event: Mannheim, 17th October 2015

Satellite Event: Wuppertal, 15th November 2015

  • Location: Bergische VHS, Auer Schulstraße 20, 42103 Wuppertal-Elberfeld
  • Name of the event: Offene Kommunen.NRW – Geht doch!
  • Website: www.oknrw.de
  • Organiser: Kompetenznetz Bürgerhaushalt and OK Lab opendatal
  • Registration: Please register at www.oknrw.de. Participation is for free.
  • Note: The hackathon will take place at the 2nd day of the Praxis-Tagung Offene Kommunen.NRW. The first day, 14th November, is a BarCamp about Open Government and Open Data. At the second day, the hackathon for development of applications of concrete solutions on site. As continuation of the Refugee Hackathon in Berlin and other places, we want to work at tools and apps which help refugees after their arrival in Germany to help themselves as soon as possible to relieve local authorities and volunteers from routine work.

Note: Organisation and planning on this website refer to the main event in Berlin. You are welcome to use them as base for further satellite events at other locations. But please be aware that we as organising team in Berlin cannot actively support other organising teams at other locations (but we are of course available for questions).

No event close to your location?

There are various possibilities if there is no #refugeehackathon planned in your town (yet) but you are nevertheless eager to help:

Travel to a hackathon: Currently we are still looking for travelling and accomodation allowance. It would be terrific if Deutsche Bahn would cover the travelling cost. In any case we plan to organise a car pooling and sleepover portal (please get in touch with us if you can help us with that).

Remote work: It is also possible to program, design and organise from home. If you are interested, please contact the organisers of the hackathon of your choice and ask for possibilities.

5 Kommentare bisher.

  1. Eine super Sache, die wir natürlich aus Hamburg unterstützen! Mehr Details in Kürze 😉

  2. Kai says:

    I’d like to share this event/idea with our developers in Berlin. Is there any chance of having an english version of this site?

  3. Am 14. November organisieren wir zum 5. Mal das Barcamp “Offene Kommunen.NRW”. Wie immer geht es darum, wie man mit Open Government und Open Data mehr Transparenz, Kooperation, Engagement und Bürgerbeteiligung erreichen kann. Erstmals hängen wir in diesem Jahr am 15. November noch einen Hackathon dran, bei dem es darum gehen wird, an praxistauglichen Tools und Apps zu arbeiten. Wir wollen z.B. Flüchtlingen dabei helfen, sich möglichst schnell selbst zu helfen und damit Kommunen und Helfer von Routinearbeiten entlasten. Wir werden an die Vorarbeiten der Refugeehackathons in Mannheim, Hamburg und Berlin anknüpfen. Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung auf http://www.oknrw.de

  4. […] Informationen zu weiteren Hackathons, die sich mit Projekten für Flüchtlinge beschäftigen – der Hackathon im Rahmen der Tagung Offene Kommunen NRW ist ein Satellit des „Refugee Hackathons“ am 23.-25. Oktober in Berlin: http://refugeehackathon.de/orte-daten/ […]

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